Today Grant is 6 months old. I can hardly believe that my boy is half a year old and that he's both been with us for 6 months and at the same time I can't believe I've lived 29 years without him. He is my greatest joy.
This boy is worth it.
Every doctor's appointment over the 2.5 years we spent struggling for him. Each surgery I had. Every needle stick in my stomach and arms. Every painful procedure. Every tear. The countless fertility drugs that didn't work. Every single-no-every-single-month. The humiliation. The heartache. The hopelessness.
He is worth it.
Every single no and every single tear lead me to this baby. God had him waiting for me all along. It was he that I was supposed to have.
Sometimes I just look at Grant while doing something mundane like changing his diaper on any regular day and I'll just start crying. I longed for him so long that not one single day goes by that I take for granted what a miracle he is.
Today I celebrated my first Mother's Day. I got to hold my son in front of the church and dedicate him to the Lord. I didn't want to dissapear like in years past and I didn't have to fight back tears when unknowing strangers wished me a Happy Mother's Day.
I am Grant's mama.
At last, I'm someone's mom on Mother's Day.
This touching entry was written by my mother-in-love, Sheilah Daws. She truly is the best mother I have ever known AND she is Grant's "La La".
I can’t believe our little girl has graduated college. Where did the last 22 yrs go. For that matter the last 32 years since God first made me a mom.
Deuteronomy 6 says we are to teach our children “at home and when you are away on a journey, when you are lying down and when you are getting up again.” This indicates that we are to spend much time with our children. Don’t waste one moment with them because they don’t stop growing while we are busy doing other things.
I am so thankful for all the tea parties, for bedtime prayers and tucking in, for snuggle times we had, books we read and Bible stories we talked about.
I am thankful for all the tents we made inside with sheets and the huts we built outside, for nerf wars and sock wars.
I am thankful for the picnics and the lazy summer days swinging together as we pretended to take some sunglasses to the sun.
I am thankful for the pretending with dolls and GI Joes, for the hours watching Mister Rogers and eating peanut butter sandwiches...
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